Rabu, 26 Disember 2012

Gundam Dynames (GN-002)

Technology & Combat Characteristics

Classified as a third generation Gundam, the GN-002 Gundam Dynames is a artillery-type MS that specializes in long-ranged sniping and the successor of GNY-002 Gundam Sadalsuudand the predecessor or GN-006 Cherudim Gundam. While the unit retains similarities to Sadalsuud, Dynames is different than its predecessor.
Dynames retains strong design aesthetics to Sadalsuud, almost twin-like superficially. However, Sadalsuud wasn't designed for advanced combat, it was designed for infiltration and scouting. Although Dynames inherited its sensor technology through Sadalsuud, the majority of the sensors was removed and replaced with armor plating and weaponry during its creation. Ironically, Sadalsuud can search and detect targets of interest far beyond what Dynames can do. To compensate for sensory limitations, Veda and Celestial Being's CIC team provides tactical data through their own systems to support Dynames in combat.
Dynames is largely a counterpart to GN-001 Gundam Exia. While Exia is themed heavily on melee combat, Dynames is the opposite. Dynames' weapon-of-choice is its GN Sniper Rifle to provide mid-to-long ranged fire support. As its primary armament, Dynames is almost exclusively used as a support sniper, taking up a well-hidden position(s) and dispatching targets from afar while Exia draws the attention and fire of the enemies. If forced into short-ranged combat, Dynames switches from the rifle to its GN Pistols, wielded and used gun-kata style. In very short range, Dynames prefers to use its GN Missiles, using its beam sabers only as a last resort[4]. While Dynames is focused on sniping, the unit was also designed to utilize a series of special equipment to adapt to various missions.
For specialized long range precision firing (though rarely used), Dynames has a special particle rifle, which it is capable of firing on orbital targets from the ground, the Super Substratospheric Altitude Gun. To prepare for shooting alone, the pilot needs to connect the weapon to a large GN Condenser and network with other computer systems to make the necessary calculations for accurate shooting. Because the blast is very powerful, Dynames' rear is connected to one of Kyrios' Tail Unit as a stabilizer to absorb the shock of the discharge. It takes roughly 30 seconds to recharge for the next shot.
Dynames can change equipment for the Torpedo Pack. The equipment is specialized for surface-to-underwater assault missions. To enhance Dynames' sensors, a sonar system and goggles are equipped for extended sensory capabilities underwater. The sniper rifle is replaced with a torpedo launcher as particle weapons are weakened in water.
When extreme firepower and defense is needed, Dynames can receive combat support from its own specialized support unit, the GNR-001D GN Arms Type-D and the Assault Container. The GN Arms itself is a customized transformable fighter, with mid-range beam weaponry and melee weapons themed after Dynames' weapons silhouette. When greater power is needed, Dynames and GN Arms can combine to become a mobile armor. Dynames' GN Drive docks right into the MA to power the weapons platform.
The Assault Container works on conjunction with the GN Arms and Dynames as a miniature armed MS carrier. It was designed to dock both Dynames and GN Arms for atmospheric entry and exit missions. It's heavily armored and has enough fire power to decently fight a United Nation Army battlefleet. Dynames' overall capabilities can be enhanced through the power of Trans-Am.
Dynames would later be succeeded by GN-006 Cherudim Gundam. While Dynames itself was critically damaged in combat, there was still spare replacement parts to rebuild Dynames. Due to Celestial Being being short on resources, engineers would later return to Dynames for a systems overhaul to modernize its systems and combat capabilities; it was categorized as GN-002RE Gundam Dynames Repair.

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